The dreaded word, “cancer”

Walking into an oncology clinic has to be one of the most terrifying moments of one’s life. Not knowing what to expect instills fear into the hearts of all. So, what is cancer?  Simply put, it is a cell that continues to divide without limitation.  You see, normally our body, which is made up of trillions of cells that are constantly turning over. What I mean is, cells are made and then eventually die in something known as programmed cell death (apoptosis.)  However, when cancer arises signals are lost which usually lead to programmed cell death. Instead of the cells dying in a controlled fashion, they grow uncontrollably.

Patients who enter my clinic ask me all of the time, “why me?” Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer. Why can someone who has smoked their entire life not develop cancer and instead die of natural causes at the age of 90? Why does a young child not old enough to know what tobacco or alcohol is suffer from such a terrible disease such as cancer? I wish I knew.  In fact,  I wish people much smarter than am could get down to the bottom of this so that we can continue to move forward and cure this terrible disease (which is not one disease but a collection of diseases characterized under one name….cancer.) You see, if cancer were the same in every person and acted the same in every person it would be much easier to cure. This is not the case.  I would like to refer you to the following address. Please just copy and paste into a new browser to learn about the bad luck of random mutations

This article and research shows that sometimes it is just bad luck that cancer develops. That is not to say we can’t control certain factors and help with what’s called primary prevention. For example, not smoking would be an example of primary prevention. Another example would be keeping one’s weight under control. Did you know it is estimated that approximately 50% of endometrial (uterine) cancers are caused by obesity?

We must keep moving forward with further research, determination and education to continue to improve on the survival rates of cancer. Contrary to the belief of many people, cancer can be cured. Of course, it is always better to live a life which helps to prevent cancer in the first place. Onward we must march, like soldiers ready to fight and conquer the enemy!

Next up: viruses and cancer